Saturday, September 16, 2006

I need to wake up

Melissa Etheridge - I Need To Wake Up

I have been looking for this music video forever. Ever since I first saw the film "An inconvenient truth". I know, a lot has been said about global warming and there are people out there who don't believe in it or who try to live their lifes not thinking about it. BUT, there is no closing our eyes that our environment is changing, that We are the ones who changing it, that if we keep going the speed we are going now, our children or grandchildren may not know the world in the same way we do. I am not only sad to hear when people are trying to downplay the facts, but somewhat aggrevated. Aggrevated in the sense that we should not take our world for granted and just because we still have resources and we are still able to live on this planet people in the future may not be able to. I hope everyone takes the time to think of what we as individuals can do, how we can cut back, how we can help. Even little steps can have a significant impact - similar to the synergy effect 1+1+3 -> If everyone does a little we can all benefit. So let's wake up and speak up before it's too late.
Most of us have seen natural disasters in the past few years... more and more, higher in intensity than ever before. Dont close your eyes, don't think it's a natural circle we are going through, try to do your part in making this world a better and safer place for our generation and for generations to come. Wake up and Speak up!

My poor little neglected blog

... to be honest, I have been thinking of taking it down. The only reason I keep it going (kinda, if you know what I mean) is that I know that my family and a few friends abroad check in and it makes it easier for me to share what's going on... So I will rethink this blog thing while I am on vacation and ponder if I will keep it or if I will take it down.
Quick update:
* 2 more days at work before I will be leaving on vacation. I am so stinking excited, I can hardly wait to sit in that airplane and heading home. I haven't been home in 2 1/2 years and it feels forever. I can't wait to hug my family, to spend some quality time with them and to take tons of pictures ;)
I got 4 2 GB cards yesterday at Samy's - they had a 30 year anniversary and each card sold for $30 and no sales tax. I am a happy camper.
We still need to clean the house, have our house and pet sitter over, pack and I will be interviewing on Monday and Tuesday for the position we are hiring at work... so life will be pretty crazy those last two days....
* If you believe in positive prayers, please include a friend of mine in your prayers. She got some terrible news and I just hope and prayer that everything will be ok!
* Will check in once I am back from vacation.
Hugs everyone!