Saturday, September 16, 2006

My poor little neglected blog

... to be honest, I have been thinking of taking it down. The only reason I keep it going (kinda, if you know what I mean) is that I know that my family and a few friends abroad check in and it makes it easier for me to share what's going on... So I will rethink this blog thing while I am on vacation and ponder if I will keep it or if I will take it down.
Quick update:
* 2 more days at work before I will be leaving on vacation. I am so stinking excited, I can hardly wait to sit in that airplane and heading home. I haven't been home in 2 1/2 years and it feels forever. I can't wait to hug my family, to spend some quality time with them and to take tons of pictures ;)
I got 4 2 GB cards yesterday at Samy's - they had a 30 year anniversary and each card sold for $30 and no sales tax. I am a happy camper.
We still need to clean the house, have our house and pet sitter over, pack and I will be interviewing on Monday and Tuesday for the position we are hiring at work... so life will be pretty crazy those last two days....
* If you believe in positive prayers, please include a friend of mine in your prayers. She got some terrible news and I just hope and prayer that everything will be ok!
* Will check in once I am back from vacation.
Hugs everyone!

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