Thursday, June 08, 2006

Guess what we are doing tomorrow???

We are going to DISNEYLAND!!!! And who ever claimed that only kids get anxious and excited??? I am literally counting the hours! I am so stinking excited. Jer and I usually go in November after they have the xmas decoration up, but last year my back completely went out and I would have not been able to walk for the entire day! I told Jer he could chauffeur me around in a wheelchair, but he didn't bit! Might have been a completely different perspective! But walking is much better, trust me!
I can't wait to sit in Pirates of the Carribean, and oh yes, Indiana Jones! Two of my all time favorites!!!!
AND POOH CORNER!!! Yes, I will get in that line with about 1 million kids and have my photo taken ever single time! Just love Pooh and Tigger to pieces. Sorry kiddos, but just gotta do it, year after year, and if I make it to 90, I will still get in that line! Might be a little akward, but what the heck, huh?
And if I am lucky and Kristin calls back tonight, we will be meeting up with her and her family!
HAVE A HAPPY FRIDAY everyone!!!!


Anonymous said...

sounds like you're gonna have a great time! have some fun for me!

Anonymous said...

Have fun,Syb! You deserve it :-)

Love and hugs,


Martha Bravo said...

I am a Disney lover too Syb enjoy it all you can and share those pictures with us! Gotta love Pooh

Anonymous said...

oh pooh corner - that sounds great-
ich will auch mal wieder in einen Disney store einkaufen gehen. Aber da muss ich nach Paris - ist leider nicht um die Ecke.
gerade ist die Fußball WM. Wahnsinn -super Straßenfeste - schade dass ihr die Stimmung nicht so mitbekommt.
Kopf hoch wg der Familie. Es gibt Dinge mit denen man sich abfinden muss.Drück Dich - übrigens geiles Auto...Tanja

Anonymous said...

How was your trip? I cant wait to see pictures! I am so jealous!! I would love a get away with just Andy right now!!!