Monday, November 14, 2005

One word

Got this email from my dear friend Tasha a week ago... you should give it a try... it's really funny what kind of responses you get back and goes down like butter for one's ego :)

One Word
Describe me in one word - just one. Send it to me (only me), then forward this email to your friends and see how many strange things people think about you.

So these are a few of the responses I got:
Loyal (from Inken)
Lucky (from Simone)
Sincere (from Alissa)
Amazing (from Jen)
Passionate (from Assi)
Strong (from Jer)
Sweet (from Tasha)
Artistic (from Mona)
Vivacious (from John) had to check that one in the dictionnary ;)
Creative (from Jane)
And the strange response was from my co worker Bob:
Red (LOL) Still laughing... so all he thinks of is apparently my hair color when describing me in one word!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now I feel like my descriptive word didn't do you justice.
I hope you know that I have many more positive descriptions for you :-)
Luv ya,girl!!
