Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Special Elections

... yeap, we are having a special election in California today and I am NOT allowed to vote!!! What a bummer! I am not a political fanatic (trust me), but I wish I could put in a vote as well to make my "little" voice heard. Not that one vote really matters, but still, gives you the feeling you at least participated, although I am not sure how much one vote really matters.

You probably wonder, why I am not allowed to vote: well, it's pretty simple... I am not an American citizen. I was born and raised in Germany and when I got married in August 1998 to my dh, we went through the entire visa process, embassy doctors, etc. to get a permanent resident card. The card was good for two years. After those two years we had to get in line at the INS and reapply for a more permanent status that I obtained back than. Although I am allowed to work, pay taxes, and am legal liable, I have no say in the political direction this country is taking. I am not upset and have no hard feelings that I am not allowed to vote, and completely understand the fact that this "privilege" is only for American citizens. However, I am saddened to hear that only about 25% voted so far. Projections were an estimated 40%, but the polls are still open till 8 p.m., so the percentage might go up as time passes.

A lot of people are not interested in politics... understandable... pretty boring and a lot of bs to listen too. However, this is everyone's chance to participate, to voice their opinions ... And it saddens me to hear that people are taking it so easily and giving up their voice because they are not interested in politics, don't want to bother, and are too busy to go to the poll or fill out an absenty ballot.

I am not going into what party I believe in and whom I would have voted for... it's not really that simple. First of all I believe that both sides LIE... and secontly you are basically voting for someone you feel you agree on more points with, not necessarily on the entire philosphy, if that makes any sense.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

very well said,Bille.
I totally agree,although I WILL say that I do not like the republican party at all and if I could vote here,I would definetely vote Democrat :-)
