Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Talk about getting slapped...

OK, so I survived the dermatologist! Now I clearly remember why I didn't go for 2 1/2 years!!! I can imagine a million things that sound more thrilling than standing half naked in front of a doctor who examines your skin inch for inch! YIKES!!!... and of course, first question of his mouth was
Doc:"So are we wearing sunscrean every day?" You know you are in the high category of developing skin cancer... just look at that red hair and those green eyes! Fair complexion...
Me:....hustle, hustle, hmmmm, not really, sometimes, but not every day!!!!
Doc:Well I suggest you slap that sunscrean on every day my dear!
Me:thinking to myself "didn't know I was his dear, but whatever"
Definitely major embarrassment.... and as I thought..they always find something to cut out. What is it with dentist and dermatologists??? I never seem to leave their office without having some sort of "work" done!
Anyways, he removed a mole the size of a pencil eraser from the back of my leg. He said it's probably nothing... {just wondering why it had to go than??}
...and now I am basically waiting for a nice little postcard telling me in 10 days that it's nothing. If I get a call from their office it's back for more cutting!!!! So the way to go is definitely getting that postcard!!!

.... and being a "responsible" redhead, got my 50 sunscrean from the pharmacy to slap it on baby!!!! {{so much for getting into the fall spirit, huh}}


Anonymous said...

That stinks. I hate going to either of those two offices - cringe the entire drive there and am always a nervous wreck while in the office. ack! At least you only had one mole removed. I am not looking forward to my next visit to EITHER place. lol
You are more brave than you think!
(bring on the babies!!!)

Big Ben said...
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yezenia said...

That doesn't sound like a nice vacation day. Hope you got yourself something pretty after that appt!

Anonymous said...

I can relate with the SPF 50 sunscreen....I have to put sunscreen on if I'm outside for any length of time.I get sunburned even on a cloudy day,and that's no axaggeration...

It was so nice to talk to you on tuesday,Syb! I miss our morning chats!!



Anonymous said...

Hubby can put the sunscreen on for you, he he he he he.
