Friday, September 09, 2005

Getting to know my baby

Yeap, it's true. I have been the proud owner of the Canon 20D for a few months. Figuring the expense associated with the camera, it's time to get a little more familiar with my baby:


So thankfully, with Ang kicking me in the butt, I am signed up for a photo class. The class is every Thursday and we are thinking about taking the Monday class as well. So hopefully, my baby and I will bond a little more and I am going to be able to fully understand most of the features this camera has to offer. As low as my excitement was at the beginning (what, every Thursday evening from 6 - 9 p.m.?), the more I am excited minute by minute.
Yesterday was interesting although I felt a bit overwhelmed, but I am sure I can figure it all out. I started digging out "The manual of Photography" by John Hedgecoe and read during lunchtime. So much to learn, interesting, intimidating, exciting, and overwhelming... all at once. Some of it sounds like a foreign language to me, with other stuff I am familiar and I feel pretty comfortable... Can't wait to learn, to grow and to finally use this baby's full potential. {or should I say - use MY full capabilities, since it really is me not being able to use all the features}.
Isn't there a saying.. the most expensive camera still doesn't take good pictures unless you know how to use it.
I know it will take time, but I vow to learn the in's and out's and to finally feel comfortable using manual feature!!!

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