Thursday, September 01, 2005


So today was the day for my MRI! It seems like the approval process has taken forever, but nevertheless they finally did it. I am curious to find out if it reveals as to why I am still having these recurrent back pains and problems. I know I have a curved spin and that has contributed to the problems I had in the past. However, the back problems I currenty have are so much worse than the pains I had in the past.

To be honest, I was freaking out... I am a claustrophobic and thinking of being unable to move and being confined to a small space made me panick all day. I was hoping and praying that I would be fortunate enought to have an open MRI, but things don't always happen the way you want. So the minute I walked in I knew I was in for a "treat". The closed MRI was standing there like a big enemy and if my eyes weren't covered, I think I would have lost it. So I was laying there for 15 min. hoping and praying that the eye cover wouldn't move, that I wouldn't try to reach up to it by reflect and just hoping that time would pass. The MRI itself was no big deal... but just being confined to this small place... wondering in my thoughts to the beach, to the land of scrapping... and than it was all over. Thankfully I didn't move and I was finally able to stretch my arms and legs again!


Anonymous said...

I totally agree!! Those MRI's are scary! Hope you feel better soon! Miss you girl.

yezenia said...

I'm glad you made it through ok. Hope the results are positive (as in good). :)