Friday, September 30, 2005

Quick update

Fires in San Fernando Valley: ...the last few days have been crazy!!! We had brush fires in Chatsworth, Calabasas, Burbank and in the San Fernando Valley. I left the house this morning to get a cup of coffee at Starbucks and the air just smells like smoke. There are smoke particles and dust on the streets and sidewalks ...
Our house was not in danger but the homes of so many others. One of them was my girlfriends home. The had left for a vacation on Monday and I received their phonecall on Thursday morning that they would come back home as their home was evacuated. I called the guards at their community and throughout the day the evacuation was lifted, just to be put back on one hour later. Luckily this morning it was lifted again and it looks like their community will be fine. What a scare... I can only imagine how they must have felt to get this news on their trips... being away in another country and not knowing what is going on must be nerve wracking to say the least.
I haven't heard any news on the other fires, but I hope and pray that they as well have died down and that everyone can return to their homes. What a scare!!!!

Photofield Trip: We took our first official field trip yesterday evening with the photo class I am taking. It was a bit crazy as we were heading to Brand Library. Brand Library is located on the hillside and while driving there another brush fire started and we were literally heading towards that direction instead of the other way. Since the area was not evacuated, we walked around the library archades and shot pictures of the beautiful architecture, landscape, etc. I still have to take a peak at what I ended up with, but I think I got a few great shoots out of it. We did a Firmware update in class afterwards. I was so glad that our teachers assisted us as I read the instructions online and nearly started to panick.

Today I am off!!! YEAH! So relieved that this week is over... it has been everything but relaxing and calm. I will need to work on some assignments for tomorrows upload and hopefully meet with Margarita later. Ang and Inken are out of town, so our bi-weekly Friday sessions are out of sync :)

Happy Friday everyone!

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