Thursday, August 11, 2005

Happy Hour

What a day... first I was stuck on the 405 this morning from 5:40 a.m. - 7:15 a.m. Yikes. It was crazy... nothing was moving and people actually ended up driving down the off ramp to get on Sepulveda {which wasn't moving either}.
After work I went to Happy Hour with my Boss and two of my coworkers. Chatting, some drinks and some little snacks. Yummy... the day was saved after all...

Tomorrow I am going to meet with Inken after work at Scrapbook Safari for the moonlighter. Uninterrupted time to scrapbook from 6 p.m. - 2 a.m. Time for a quick stop to Barnes & Nobles with coffee and than time to scrap and chat!!! So looking forward to this one. Now I just need to figure out a way to pack light as I am still walking on my cane. No XXL and plano... just one little bag. That is going to be a big challenge!

Had another session of physical therapy yesterday and was back on the machine that feels like heaven. You are in a room all by yourself, lay on this bed with your legs in a 90% angle. You get these heating pads under your back and this belt around your waste. The belt is attached to this stretching machine at the end of the bed and it pulls... to relieve the pressure. Well once you are on this machine, they dimm the lights and the heating pads make you get all tired... 25 min. later I couldn't really tell if I was dozzing off or not... but based on what Boo (the physical therapist) told me about 90% of people fall asleep :)

Only 3 more minutes till Big Brother... seriously hoping that Kasar got voted back in! If Eric is coming back I will be boycotting the show :)
So much adventure from my little world!
Have a Happy Friday and be good!

1 comment:

yezenia said...

Syb, that machine sounds heavenly! That sounds like it'd be great for my sciatica (aka Shooting Butt Pain).