Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Things I want to do ...

* go back home to Germany {gosh, has it really been 2 1/2 years already??}
* squeeze my nieces and give them big smootches
* walk in my kitchen and start baking (can't wait for xmas to come - by then it is done and I am going to make all sorts of yummie xmas cookies)
* take that trip to Hawai with Jer {the trip we have dreaming of for years}
* be less critical towards myself {I see so many flaws and faults and I want to no longer see the glass half empty but half full}
* use my camera more often and be adventurous with the settings
* become more healthy!
* start swimming {talked to my physical therapist today and it seems the perfect sport for me to not harm my back and still do something for my body and mind}
* use all the color in the world on everything I create
* be grateful for each day, for health and for life
* tell my family and friends how much they really mean to me
* become more organized
* simply enjoy!!! No questions asked, no guilty feelings - simply enjoy!
* count my blessings each day
* make a list of all the positive that happens to me on a daily basis
* find a way to relax {I have the hardest time and feel that my body is tense so often; definitely something I want and need to change - a destresser so to say

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