Friday, August 12, 2005


Can you hear me scream????????????????
OK, I had this feeling but thought that after this kitchen had been dragging on since February that the luck at one point had to be on our side. Think again! The cabinets are in and today the installer came to unpack them and inspect them. I was hoping, praying that all the cabinets are in good condition that we could have them installed next week, but NO!!!! There were a total of 3 cabinets that need to be reordered and we are looking at another waiting period of 4 weeks. Another 4 weeks. Thank another week for installation to be set up and than other 2 weeks for the granite and installation. I was soooo hoping and praying that we would finally have a kitchen again by the end of this month, but luck is not on our side.
Honestly, I don't even know what a kitchen looks like anymore and I seriously wonder how we survived this long. At the beginning it was not so bad and kinda fun to go out and eat, but slowly but surely it's getting to the point where I dont want to wait anymore. I think I have been patient enough but I guess someone wants to test my patience a little longer.
On another more happier note... the cabinets look amazing. I will post a picture tomorrow... I am off to meet Inken for an evening/night full of scrapping and fun!

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