Friday, August 19, 2005

My baby is going back to school


I am so darn proud and so excited. Jer and I went to the University of Phoenix today and signed him up. He is taking classes for IT and should have a Bachelor's degree in less than 3 years!!! Did I mention how excited, thrilled and happy I am for him??? All the paperwork for financial aid and the VA bill have been filled out and submitted and his first classes start next Saturday at the campus in Woodland Hills. The first 6 months he will be going once a month on a Saturday to the campus all other classes are online. Once he gets to his core studies, he will need to go to campus during the week in the evening. I know everyone says that about their hubbies, but Jer is extremely intelligent and I am so happy to see him going back to school and utilizing his skills and potentials. So babe, BEST OF LUCK on your new adventures. You know that I am 110% behind you!!! I am so darn PROUD of you! I know you will do GREAT!!!

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